Who is Mindfully Emily?

My name is Emily, I’m a 20-something year old grad student, aspiring counselor, food lover, wellness-obsessed, warm weather seeking, outdoors loving girl. I am on a journey to living a more well rounded life in which I balance eating well, finding fitness activities that soothe and better me, and looking at life’s ups and downs more positively. I really want to live a life that I hope to help my future clients achieve in therapy. I want to discover different healing modalities aside from “talk therapy.” I am looking to grow and learn through writing this blog and connect with others who are as passionate as I am.

Oh yes, and I am dairy and gluten free 🙂

If you would like to read the story of how this all began, check out my first post

The Journey Has Begun


Oats, trail riding, yoga, photography, beaches, cooking and baking, almond butter, dining alfresco, red wine, running, music, Glee, New England, psychology, dinner dates with friends, travel and exploration, self-discovery, early mornings, raspberry sorbet, reading for pleasure, skiing, family time, dogs, tea, love.

People I love:

My parents, so loving and supportive, on my college graduation day.

My older brother Dan and his girlfriend Jackie (my future sister in law if he ever proposes!!!)

Jill and Jenna, my two best friends from college.

My best friends since childhood Kristina, Katlyn, Meaghan (top) Sarah, myself, Lindsey (bottom)


8 Responses to Who is Mindfully Emily?

  1. Pingback: Big moves | Mindfully Emily

  2. janetha says:

    You are such a doll and seem like you would be a lot of fun to be around! I just stumbled on your blog by clicking through the other blogs.. love what I see!

  3. christina says:

    hey emily! thanks for stopping by my blog! come back soon! 🙂

  4. Hi Emily! I just came across your blog when I was reading the comments on another…oh how I love the blog world! I JUST started my blog last week, and it’s been a fun adventure so far. Well, I just wanted to say that I really like the premise behind your blog and can’t wait to read more!

  5. innershakti says:

    Hi Emily! I too just happened to come across your blog today, and I love the premise behind it! Looking forward to reading more. 🙂

  6. carrie says:

    Just found your blogaroo and loooove 🙂 I’ll be back!

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