Goals and Big Dreams

Hi friends,

I’m back! I tired to wait for a little inspiration to hit rather than flooding this with ramblings or an incoherent mess of photos…I know photos are fun…here’s one for you!

ImageMy Mom has the best green thumb and eye ever…she made this arrangement for me when I asked for a few flowers to brighten my office 🙂

Sometimes we need a little inspiration, a change of pace, something new. For me, having a goal to work at has always been that…plus a little outdoor energy 🙂 A few months ago, following some angst after the Boston Marathon  Bombing, I messaged a friend to see if she was interested in training for a half-marathon. I felt the need to prove to myself that I could do something bigger than I ever believed possible; it’s the biggest gift that running has kept on giving. My friend, a highly-motivated Weight Watcher’s success, was more than happy to join!


Fast-forward several weeks of trainings and numerous short and long runs and I hit a bench-mark: 10 miles! I remember around New Years, unofficially saying I would love to be able to hit the 10 mile mark, and here I am! Sadly, I wasn’t as happy as I hoped I’d be. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not lost on me that I made it to a major milestone (hah) in my running career. It’s just that, it seems to lack a purpose. No person, charity or cause has benefited from it. I am not thinner, faster, or much stronger. I hate writing that because it sounds whiney and I know so many people cannot go running as I can (believe me, I use that as a mantra so often when I run). It’s more that no charity, cause or person benefited from this training…at least not yet. 

What’s the point of all of this rambling?? I’ve decided to pursue a bigger goal that has scared me for some time now: I want to get my NASM Personal Trainer Certification. I know this is somewhat commonplace in the world of health and fitness blogging but this is passion that has been years in the making for me to realize. I have already spent 3 years getting my master’s in counseling psychology but I have always known that is not the end of my educational road. 


I have been giving myself creative license lately to dream big. Successful and, more importantly, happy people thrive off of this ability. I know what my big big dream is…I want to find a job that allows me to counsel people through fitness and nutrition as well as mindfulness and other techniques. I want to work in a capacity where I can go on a run with one client, have a talk therapy session with another, and have a hands-on cooking session with another and then enjoy the heatlhy and nourishing meal we made. 

It may seem out there and a little bit lofty but it’s my dream and I’m sticking to it. In the mean time, I am focusing on training. I am abou to begin the process of studying for my counseling licensure exam and I am also hoping to keep that studying train moving into the NASM prep. I am thinking they will carry me through fall and early winter. 

Who’s with me in dreaming big??? Please share some of your big goals and dreams…doesn’t matter how out-there they seem!



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